I met with the plumber this morning to discuss a few things before the inspection. As part of the inspection all the pipes have to be filled with water to insure that there are no leaks. Lucky for us the neighbor let us use his water. The neighbor is also going to let us use his electricity so I just have to buy a 100' extension coats that can handle construction tools. This idea works saves me time and money. Rather than paying the electric company for something temporary I will now have a 100' extension cord. I will give the generous neighbor a gift certificate for dinner somewhere for him and his family.
On schedule with the foundation. The pink and blue stuff is rigid insulation that will provide the floor with a nice consistent temperature throughout the year.
We passed the plumbing inspection so we can now finshing installing the gravel, insulation, vapor barrier and steel mesh for the foundation. Concrete will be poured on Friday! I also scheduled the slab inspection today even though it is only 75% complete. However I ended up rescheduling for Thursday. We are behind schedule on a day to day basis but we still meet our critical date of February 28th to install the modular home.