All Rudy all the time. He brought another guy and the two of them installed the I insulation in less than 4.37 hours. The good thing was that it fit nicely between the floor trusses. I hope this helps with sound. It better.
Sound proof insulation. Now that I look at the photo it seems that Rudy only did an okay job. Not as good and even as it should be. Every opening will let in sounds. Hopefully with this and once we put in the floor it should be really good sound wise from floor to floor.
And finally I mean FINALLY we began installing the fiber cement siding!!! Yes the elusive siding installation has begun. These guys are good! They are a crew of 5 guys. Two guys install, two guys cut and one guy does the rest. They got more than halfway done. These guys are good and have all the necessary tools and equipment and do not waste time. They do not mess around. Of course the main guy is named...Jose.
Guess what else we started? Go ahead and guess? Painting the upper floors!!! Woohoo! Progress. Martin, a partner and maybe his wife or girlfriend or mistress were there to paint and paint they did.
Fiber Cement Board by Allura going up. What a relief. Finally.
More windows yes. For my house no. Then for who? I don't know do you? Home Depot saw a lonely mud pit and thought it would be a perfect spot for three sliding windows. Two of them will soon be on Craiglists and we will keep the other. Why not? Oh you say that is not morally right. You should tell Home Depot. Then my friend you are correct. I told them. I showed them photos. "Please come by and pick up." I asked to which they replied, "don't worry about." So I am not worrying about it.
Pedro's tough man pose. I told him not to get dirty as we would only be there for 14 minutes. He looked like this after 3.