Today I did work. I picked up a shovel and pickaxe and starting digging the last remaining downspout connection. It was agonizing 45 minute workout. However it was nothing compared to what I did in the jungle last year when we built our jungle house. That was hard work. That was manual labor. See the photos below.
We dug all the trenches for the grade beams and footings in wet muddy dirt. This is hard work. Ridiculously hard work.
Other than that I manged to break a piece of the IKEA vanity by pulling too hard on it. That sucked. I did some clean up and finally finished the kitchen cabinets. It is fine. Finished completed. No more nightmares. Now I get to figure out how to do the master bathroom vanity. It was a sort day at the house. Only 6 hours of work and a tasty Wendy’s burger.
I finished the day with a trip to Home Depot to return a lot of things. It is nice to get money back on your card but I of course went right back to the store to spend it all and then some.
Shower almost ready. Almost. We still have to do the ceiling as we were short tiles. Again.